3 Proven Ways to Develop Amazing Parenting Skills

Nobody is born with great parenting skills. Those parents with amazing skills learn from experience. Observing how other parents take care of their child is a great idea. You will also learn from your own experience while enhancing your parenting skills.

It is not hard to be called a parent but to be a parent is a tough job. You are molding a person that might contribute well to the society in the future.

Don’t worry because we got your back. Here are some strategies you can apply to develop awesome parenting skills.

  • Seek The Advice of Other Moms and Dads

As a new parent, it is impractical to invent your own unique parenting strategy. They say learn from the experts. Being entitled as “the world’s best mom” is purely received when it came from your child. It is better to try the traditional way of good parenting that you can learn from other parents.

Try inviting friends and family members that are new parents and see how they manage every situation. There are simple yet effective tricks that you might pick up from them. Like instead of fussing your son because of being naughty, you could call him and talk privately “Would you like other children messing around our home? You can play but don’t be so mischievous. If you behave, we will cook your favorite cookies on weekend.”

Simple rewards will sometimes work. But if your stressed out and don’t know what to do, especially in public place, you can call up a friend to get a piece of advice. They can tell you how they handled situations like that. You can use it as a guide while finding the best solution.

  • Be an emphatic parent

Not every child throws tantrums. Other children are behaved and shy even with their parents. If you have a child who has good behavior, my dear you’re such a lucky one.

Some children are not as expressive as the other. If you think you’re already a good parent because your kids are obedient, you might want to check on your kid. Most of these children have low self-esteem. They are those gifted ones who need to be nurtured and supported gradually. If they are not into extra-curricular activities like sports, singing, or dancing, encourage them to choose what they want to do apart from academics.

Let’s say, your daughter loves to sing, you can hire a vocal that can help improve her skills. Okay, so she learned how to be a good singer, then you encourage her to join a contest and fail. Seeing this little angel with teary eyes is unbearable. What would you do now knowing that she has a low self-esteem and not that expressive?

You can leave a personalized greeting card on her table with a message like “The only thing better than singing is singing, becoming a great singer means singing thousands of times. Cheer up my gummy bear.”

  • Learn from your own experience

You and your child share the same genes. One of the most reliable sources of advice is you. You were once a child, draw from your childhood experiences.

Like during those times when you and your siblings mess around your parents’ bedroom, what did they do to? Did they start counting from 1 to 10? Did they prohibit you to watch your favorite cartoon? Which one is more effective? Experience is still the best teacher, won’t you agree?

Parenting means learning. It is the stage of life where you will start discovering strengths that you didn’t know you had. Children will learn from what you are not from what you teach. You can’t just tell them to eat vegetables when you don’t eat those as well. Everybody knows how to be a great parent when they don’t have kids.

Don’t be afraid of being a parent and always spell love as T.I.M.E.

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The Ultimate Guide to Parenting Right (Doesn’t Exist)


You are not a parent yet or you have extremely well-behaved kids if you fell for that title. And we all know the latter cannot even be a reality. It would be so grateful of someone to hand you a manual to follow and pass the parenting exam with flying colors, right?  Well if you are a parent, we are sure you had a good laugh looking at the title and also at the person who professes to have got the parenting right.

But what if the person who has supposedly got parenting right is too close for comfort? May be, ‘Your Spouse’? Let’s take a light-hearten look at some of the most common parenting issues that couples spar over and how we think you can deal with them!

Who’s Turn is It to Manage the Children Over The Weekend?

It is the dad’s turn to unwind before a ‘hectic’ work week and mom’s turn to take a break and let her hair down and therefore the big question – who will manage the kids? You know what all the mommies and daddies? The kids don’t need you to look after them all the time. So let them relax a bit, allow them to watch some TV, read some books and get their elbows and knees bruised a bit and for a change – let them look after themselves. It will do you both extremely good!

Why Can’t I Notice Anything in Its Place Anymore?

The children are already late for school and your better half too can’t seem to find her/his sock and suddenly the environment at home gets charged with a seemingly simple question: “Why is everything out of place?” In that one statement, you have already stirred a hornet’s nest. Do you mean to say that your spouse is the reason for not able to find stuff in the house? That he/she is expected to clean up after everyone in the house including the kids? Take my word: Just wear two different pair of socks to work if you can’t find the matching pair – it is the in thing these days.

Why Don’t You Go to Work Like ‘XYZ’/ Stay at Home?

Ahem, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today? Or haven’t you had a run-in with the boss these past few days? Whatever your reason may be before you unintentionally (of course) uttered this statement, you better UNDO it and soon.  Do we need to say more?

We Should Let the Kid Handle with the Situation

Imagine this. Your toddler comes home crying about a bully at school and all you want to do is to give that bully a piece of your own mind. And the spouse, (who has not been part of the proceedings) offers you advice like a consultant. You do not want to scream! I hear you! But hey, the consultant is right may be just this instance? Take up kickboxing or punch a doll instead ?

Day Off Doesn’t Mean ‘No Rules Day’

Sorry to break the bubble but parenting doesn’t come with a holiday fellas. So, before you decide to let the children watch a bit more on TV, or eat an extra bar of chocolate you better take your spouse into confidence. After all who wants to be assigned to a day of folding laundry and doing dishes ?

He/She is Just Like You.

Now, that is a statement, ladies and gentlemen. And somehow the better halves have perfected the timing on this. They choose to make a smart alek comment just when you think you are ready to tear your hair (or the kids’) over something. And about how similar they find the kid and you in this situation, no less. Word of advice to the smart spouses: That ain’t a smart move.

We hope you had a laugh or two while reading this article!

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